It is extremely important to follow a daily foreskin stretching routine to cure phimosis at home, quickly and without hindrance.
The foreskin is an extremely sensitive part with lots of nerve endings, so great care is required to keep it free of bacteria and other pathogens.
We recommend following a routine to ensure you make steady, lasting progress with phimosis rings.
Lubricate the foreskin at the following times with extra-virgin coconut oil for phimosis.
- After the shower.
- Before wearing the phimosis ring.
- Lubricate the phimosis ring before wearing it on the foreskin for foreskin stretching.
Lubrication of the foreskin is vital to a healthy foreskin, if lubrication is not done well there is a good chance (almost certain) that there will be cuts and tears on your foreskin.
And let me warn you, if there are any cuts or swelling on the foreskin, you will be pushed back at least a week and easily 2 ring sizes, which is another 2 weeks of hard work.
If you are reading this article, you are here for the treatment of phimosis using non-surgical methods and believe me, foreskin stretching is the only viable option to treat phimosis.
You will need to stretch the foreskin daily using phimosis treatment phimosis rings. Here is a short list of do's and don'ts
- Stretch twice a day.
- Make sure each session lasts at least 20 minutes.
- Between 2 sessions, there is an interval of 6 to 8 hours to let the foreskin heal.
- Don't skip days.
- of phimosis before stretching at night to avoid any cuts or dryness on the foreskin.
- At all costs, avoid exaggerating stretching of the foreskin as this may result in swelling of the foreskin which can prove to be a major setback in your phimosis journey.
1. Find your ring size
By sliding the foreskin as comfortably as possible. Get an estimate of the ring size diameter. Learn more
2. Lubricate the foreskin
Lubricate with extra virgin coconut oil or castor oil. Apply the oil to the foreskin and phimosis treatment ring
3. Place the ring under the foreskin
Lightly press the ring against the glans to tilt it slightly and thus insert it inside the phimotic band (or foreskin).
4. Check the tightness of the ring
The phimosis ring should not be too tight or too loose, it should fit perfectly. If the ring is loose, try using a size larger than the current ring size
To loosen
There are 2 methods to loosen the foreskin.
- Mechanical method, by means of phimosis rings, or glansar tool.
- Chemical method by means of the use of steroidal and non-steroidal cream.
Phimosis Fore-stretch is a non-steroidal cream with herbal ingredients that work the same as a steroid cream but without any of the negative side effects of the steroid cream.
To do the housework
There are 2 things to clean.
- phimosis during use.
Wash with lukewarm water before and after use and you will be fine.
If good hygiene is not maintained it can lead to balanitis which is a whole different demon to deal with.